Project Status

OpenTelemetry implementations are currently in pre-release status. This page tracks the overall release milestones as we move towards full releases for each language SIG. You can find more details about the milestones at this link


Our current goal is to provide a generally available, production quality release by the second half of 2020. Currently, we are in the alpha stage. What follows is a brief explanation of what we expect to be available, when.


This release is expected to include a functional tracing implementation. While the API may change, you should be able to use these releases to begin exploring and understanding the API and the SDK, and the changes that have been made from OpenTracing/OpenCensus. This release also includes support for distributed context using the W3C TraceContext specification.


This release is expected to contain a functional metrics implementation. Again, you may see changes to the API and the SDK after this point, but it’s anticipated that these releases will allow you to explore and understand the changes that have been made from OpenCensus. In addition, this release is anticpated to include improvements to OpenTelemetry Context (such as handling baggage), various semantic conventions around trace and metric metadata, and a finalized OpenTelemetry protocol.


This release is expected to contain further improvements to the tracing and metrics API and SDK in response to feedback gathered during the prior alpha releases. Additionally, we expect that the OpenTelemetry protocol will be fully implemented and languages will include an exporter to the OpenTelemetry Collector. At this phase, we anticipate all APIs will be unlikely to change.

Beta, RC, and Release

We anticipate that once the alpha phase is complete, we’ll enter into a period of final stabilization work around the API, SDK, and other components. This includes benchmarking, profiling, interoperability testing suites, and other work to ensure that the final release is performant and of a high quality. This work is anticipated to complete by the second half of 2020.

Current SIG Progress

Progress ChartProjectv0.1v0.2v0.3v0.4betarcv1.0.NETGoJavaScriptJavaPythonPHPRubyErlangCollectorClick a progress bar in the above chart to go to that SIGs repository.

Current SIG Release


Test release

This is a test release to verify nuget package versioning with tags  


Release v0.1.2

# Changes since v0.1.1

9d1a0d538f0c283f39597c40c1f2490445d36554 go module update for release v0.1.2 (#330)
3495d74971496668001e851919fbf3e24b98e6c1 specialize simplelru(span's lruMap) for attributes only (#328)
eb3b31e12d2d8726b82b8f0482969aefcf0283c2 Unslice to simplify (#324)


v0.2.0 Release

#### :rocket: (Enhancement)
* `opentelemetry-shim-opentracing`, `opentelemetry-tracing`, `opentelemetry-types`
  * [#449]( fix: allow recording links only at Span creation time
* `opentelemetry-core`, `opentelemetry-node`, `opentelemetry-tracing`, `opentelemetry-types`
  * [#454]( fix(span): rename span recording flag
* `opentelemetry-metrics`
  * [#475]( add shutdown method on MetricExporter interface
* `opentelemetry-plugin-document-load`
  * [#469]( chore: fixing problem with load event and performance for loadend
* `opentelemetry-core`, `opentelemetry-plugin-document-load`, `opentelemetry-tracing`, `opentelemetry-web`
  * [#466]( chore: fixing coverage for karma using istanbul

#### :bug: (Bug Fix)
* `opentelemetry-tracing`
  * [#444]( fix: batchSpanProcessor test failing intermittently
* `opentelemetry-core`
  * [#472]( fix(core): add missing semver dependency

#### :books: (Refine Doc)
  * [#462]( chore: update README
  * [#460]( chore: move members list out of community repo
  * [#445]( chore: update
  * [#459]( chore: update API docs

#### :sparkles: (Feature)
* `opentelemetry-metrics`, `opentelemetry-types`
  * [#437]( feat(metrics): add registerMetric and getMetrics
* `opentelemetry-metrics`
  * [#468]( feat: validate metric names
* `opentelemetry-plugin-postgres`
  * [#417]( feature(plugin): implement postgres plugin
* `opentelemetry-core`, `opentelemetry-types`
  * [#451]( feat: add IsRemote field to SpanContext, set by propagators
* `opentelemetry-core`, `opentelemetry-plugin-document-load`, `opentelemetry-tracing`, `opentelemetry-types`, `opentelemetry-web`
  * [#433]( feat(plugin-document-load): new plugin for document load for web tracer


No release information available from GitHub.


opentelemetry v0.2.0

Alpha V2 release.

## `opentelemetry-api`

- W3C TraceContext fixes and compliance tests ([#228](
- Multiple metrics API changes
- Multiple tracing API changes
- Multiple context API changes
- Sampler API ([#225](
- Multiple bugfixes and improvements

## `opentelemetry-sdk`

- W3C TraceContext fixes and compliance tests ([#228](
- Multiple metrics SDK changes
- Multiple tracing SDK changes
- Sampler SDK ([#225](
- Multiple bugfixes and improvements

## `opentelemetry-ext-azure-monitor`

- Updates for core library changes

## `opentelemetry-ext-http-requests`

- Updates for core library changes

## `opentelemetry-ext-jaeger`

- Initial release

## `opentelemetry-ext-opentracing-shim`

- Initial release

## `opentelemetry-ext-wsgi`

- Updates for core library changes


No release information available from GitHub.


No release information available from GitHub.


OpenTelemetry API v0.2.0

* Tracer API behaviour
* Span API behaviour
* Context API behaviour
* Baggage and Correlations Context implemented on top of Context API
* Propagation API


Alpha v0.2.0

Alpha v0.2 of OpenTelemetry Collector.

Docker image: omnition/opentelemetry-collector:v0.2.0 (we are working on getting this under an OpenTelemetry org)

Main changes visible to users since previous release:

* Rename from `service` to `collector`, the binary is now named `otelcol`

* Configuration reorganized and using strict mode

* Concurrency issues for pipelines transforming data addressed


0e505d5 Refactor config: pipelines now under service (#376)
402b80c Add Capabilities to Processor and use for Fanout cloning decision (#374)
b27d824 Use strict mode to read config (#375)
d769eb5 Fix concurrency handling when data is fanned out (#367)
dc6b290 Rename all github paths from opentelemtry-service to opentelemetry-collector (#371)
d038801 Rename otelsvc to otelcol (#365)
c264e0e Add Include/Exclude logic for Attributes Processor (#363)
8ce427a Pin a commit for Prometheus dependency in go.mod (#364)
2393774 Bump Jaeger version to 1.14.0 (latest) (#349)
63362d5 Update testbed modules (#360)
c0e2a27 Change dashes to underscores to separate words in config files (#357)
7609eaa Rename OpenTelemetry Service to Collector in docs and comments (#354)
bc5b299 Add common gRPC configuration settings (#340)
b38505c Remove network access popups on macos (#348)
f7727d1 Fixed loop variable pointer bug in jaeger translator (#341)
958beed Ensure that ConsumeMetricsData() is not passed empty metrics in the Prometheus receiver (#345)
0be295f Change log statement in Prometheus receiver from info to debug. (#344)
d205393 Add Owais to codeowners (#339)
8fa6afe Translate OC resource labels to Jaeger process tags (#325)